10 Dec History of Iowa Wrestling by Dan McCool
As the Owner of US Elite Combat I am so Honored to have this book in my possession.
If your from Iowa, and know a wrestler, It’s a great Christmas Present.
I was like a little kid in a candy shop. So many emotions. Excited, Proud and Honored that numerous friends including my brother and myself to be in this book.
The dedication that my Mother and Father sacrificed for us to partake in from age 5 (Me) and 3(John). Wrestling in YMCA Tournaments to Kids AAU. When things were tough in Iowa, like when my dad was laid off from his job. They found away for us travel across the state or into other states for Regional or National Tournaments. My dad was so dedicated, we actually ran the Marion Wrestling Tournament. So I am appreciative.
So I open the the 1st Book “Wrestlers Clear the Mats” Amazing. To know all the wrestlers who have created a Legacy in Iowa Wrestling. Wrestling with the likes of so many outstanding wrestlers. Geez.
I could go on and on of everyone I looked up to as little boy is in this book. To everyone I competed against is in this book. I am HONORED
Then the 2nd Book. “Reach for the Stars” I started reading it. Wow this is what it is to be Corn Fed Wrestler. All of us coming from small farm towns. Bailing hay, detassling corn, working on farms, paper routes. Hardwork and Dedication. The work ethic that is engrained into our body and souls. This one is going to take me a bit to read, but I am engulfed in as we speak.
This Book is going to Challenge me to be a better Human Being. What can I do better.
How can I change lives.
Want to know why wrestlers succeed in life?
It’s because we have the drive to be the best in everything we do.
I would love to tag everyone, but that would take me forever. So if you haven’t picked it up yet. You can Facebook Dan McCool
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Thank You Dan McCool for taking the time to put this book together. Thank you for the Gracious Note. Donald J Royer Sr