06 Aug California Fashion Mogul Tywone “The Underdog” Cotton Signs with US Elite Combat Management
Press Release
Tucson, Arizona. – US Elite Combat Management CEO- Donald J Royer announced today that the Management Company has signed Light Heavyweight Amateur Prospect Tywone Cotton to a two-year contract.
“Tywone is a talented elite athlete who has produced in every sport he has played,” Royer said. “We have done our due diligence and believe Tywone has a lot to offer to our team and mma community, and will fit in with our team nicely.
We are very excited what he will bring to the Cage. We are also excited that Top MMA Athlete and Former D1 Wrestler
Jesse Miramontes will be Tywone’s Head Coach.
Age: 29
Height: 5’11”
Weight” 230/205
All Media : uselitecombat@gmail.com Promoter Inquires : arriagaj520@gmail
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